
Look, I don't care that you rarely flossed or haven't been to the dentist, it's OKAY™! My name is Shay (he/him/his), I'm a student dentist at The Ohio State University (which this website IS NOT a representative of), and I'm looking for some mouths to make better. The care is world-class and very affordable, but the parking is terrible and some appointments can take a little extra time. If that's cool with you, I would love to be your dental home!

When I say "OKAY" dentist, it's not a reference to my skills as a clinician, it's more a reference to the patient experience at a dental school. OSU offers a quality, comprehensive care at a discounted price. The trade-off though is that appointments might take an extra hour, and there might be a few more appointments for complex cases. If you're willing to work with me, I'm willing to do everything in my power and skill-level to make your oral health the best that it can be.